
Full partner 1 Center for Reproductive Medicine, Academic Medical Center (AMC), The Netherlands logo_amc

The Center for Reproductive Medicine of the Academic Medical Center (AMC) in Amsterdam focuses on several aspects of reproduction from basic research to clinical practice, including basic and translational research on spermatogenesis and stem cells. We aim to develop a clinical application of human spermatogonial stem cell transplantation as a way to preserve reproductive potential in young boys diagnosed with cancer.
The research laboratory of this center has excellent experience in a broad range of technique including cell culture on MLII level, cell and tissue processing, morphology and immunohistochemistry, molecular biology on DNA, RNA and protein level, micro-surgical transplantation to mouse. Furthermore, The AMC has several core facilities for specialized techniques like genome wide sequencing, FACS analyses and sorting, Imaging and microscopy.

Full partner 2 Biology of the Testis Lab, Department of Reproduction, Genetics and Regenerative Medicine, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Belgium new-vub-logo

VUB is a competitive, high-quality, soacially committed and internationally-oriented university located in Brussels with more than 11000 students and almost 3000 staff members.
The Lab facilities are cell culture, cell and tissue processing, morphology and immunohistochemistry, micro-surgical transplantation, molecular biology on DNA, RNA and protein level, flow cytometry, animal centre.  

Full partner 3 Hubrecht Institute, KNAW, Utrecht, The Netherlands logo_hi

The Hubrecht Institute is a research Institute of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW).
Research at the Hubrecht Institute focuses on developmental biology and stem cells at the organismal, cellular, genetic, genomic and proteomic level. To this end, the Hubrecht Institute has specialized dedicated iPS and ES cell tissue culture facilities, animal and transgenic facility, cell sorting facility, top of the line imaging facility and molecular, biochemical and histological labs.  

Full partner 4 Centre for Reproductive Medicine and Andrology, Westfällische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster, Germany logo_wwu

The Centre for Reproductive Medicine and Andrology consists of one of the largest Clinical Andrology Units in Europe (approx. 4000 patients per year, certified by ISO 9901 and acting as WHO collaborating Centre and EAA training centre)an IVF unit (approx. 300 cycles per year) and the Institute of Reproductive and Regenerative Biology. The Institute is home to seven independent research groups and maintains a non-human primate core (marmosets and cynomolgus monkeys) in addition to other animal models.
Well equipped laboratories offer outstanding conditions to perform endocrine, genetic, molecular and cell biological research studies. Translational and clinical studies are performed using the resources of the outpatient clinic and unlimited access to the largest data bank and serum sample/tissue repository of andrological patients worldwide.  

Full partner 5 Department of Women’s and Children’s Health, Pediatric Endocrinology Unit, Karolinska Institutet (KI) & Karolinska University Hospital, Sweden logo_ki

Karolinska Institutet (KI), founded in 1810, is Sweden’s only university especially focusing on biomedical sciences. In addition, KI annually awards the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. KI ranks as one of the world’s leading medical universities, thanks in part to the quality of its research activities, which today account for 40% of all medical research in Sweden KI has about 3700 employees (full-time equivalents), nearly two-thirds of whom are feale. Some 80% of KI’s income is devoted to research, distributed among some 600 research groups covering all medical fields. Research at KI has a strong European dimension, with almost 200 project participations within the the EU’s now closed Sixth Framework Programme (FP6). Of these, KI coordinated 28 projects. KI is a major player in FP7, participating in some 270 projects including 29 as coordinator as well as 24 Europen Research Council Grants. KI is also a major European beneficiary of funds from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the U.S.
Research Infrastructure at the Pediatric Endocrinology Unit: routine cell culture (including three dimensional testicular cell and organ culture, as well as stem cell culture techniques); cell and tissue processing, morphology and immunohistochemistry, molecular biology on DNA, RNA and protein level.  

Full partner 6 MRC Centre for Reproductive Health (CRH), University of Edindurgh, United Kingdom logo_uedin

The University of Edinburgh has been ranked in the world’s top 20 universities with over 8500 postgraduate students. The College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine, in which the CRH is a centre, rated top in the UK for medical research at the last UK-wide Research Assessment Exercise with all of its work rated at the international level and 40% at the very highest ‘world-leading’ level.
Strong collaborative links exist with the MRC Scottish Centre for Regenerative Medicine and the Clinical Research Imaging Centre, providing important links with basic stem cell research and advanced level human imaging facilities.  

Full partner 7 Lead Pharma Holding BV, Nijmegen, The Netherlands logo_lph

Facilities for genomics, bioinformatics, computational systems biology and next-generation sequencing to aid in target identification and validation; facilities for cellular assay development.  

Associated partner 8 Department of Anatomical, Histological, Forensic and Orthopaedic Sciences (DAHFMO), Sapienza University of Rome, Italy logo_dahfmo

Sapienza University of Rome is the largest University in Europe. With 11 faculties and 67 departments, Sapienza offers 290 programmes, 100 PhD courses and 200 professional courses for 140000 students.
Research facility and infrastructures at the Unit of Histology and Medical Embryology: Cell culture, organ culture, cell and tissue processing, morphology and immunohistochemistry, confocal microscopy facility, transmission electron microscopy, flow cytometry, molecular biology on DNA, RNA and protein level, micro-chirurgical transplantation to mouse testis, confocal microscopy facility, animal care facility.  

Associated partner 9 Division of Hematology-Oncology & Stem Cell Transplantation, Children’s Hospital Helsinky University Central Hospital & Helsinki University, Finland logo_uh

The Institute of Clinical Medicine is the largest subject department of the Faculty of edicine at the University of Helsinki.. The Institute of Clinical Medicine educates future physiicians from the third year of studies until graduation. There are 560 students annually. The Institue of Clinical Medicine also Provides postgraduate education leading to a doctoral degree, of which 80 are completed annually.
High-quality clinical and theoretical research work is also conducted in the clinics and laboratories at Biomedicum in Helsinki.

Associate partner 10 GermFact, Gent, Belgium

GermFact is located in Gent, Belgium.